Rufous smc private limited

Animal Feed


We believe in purity. We don’t want your farm animals to feed on anything which does not live up to the standards. RUFOUS SMC PVT LTD grows Rhodes Grass Hay on its own farms. Our Rhodes Grass Hay does not bear any kind of harmful ingredients. It is best adapt to areas where annual rainfall reaches 600 mm or more. Here are a number of benefits associate with growing Rhodes Grass Hay naturally. This grass is a useful forage for pasture and hay and is very productive. This grass is high in quality when young. Rhodes grass export from Pakistan…

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ABOUT WHEAT STRAW HAY Wheat Straw Hay is an agricultural by-product, the dry stalks of wheat plants, After the seed and grain are separated from a straw for human consumption. Hay is a crop that is grown and harvested as a feed crop for cattle, horses and other farm animals. In most countries, this Wheat straw is used for animals. It is traditionally fed to farm animals. Rufous smc Pvt Ltd Wheat Straw Hay Here , we offer the best quality Wheat Straw Hay for export. The protein content of our Wheat straws ranges from 6 to 8 percent. Our…

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Rice Straw

Rice straw is the vegetative part of the rice plant , cut at grain harvest or after.It may be burned and left on the field before the next ploughing, ploughed down as a soil improver or used as a feed for livestock.Rice straw is a major forage in rice-producing areas.Rice straw can be treated in order to improve its nutritive value. Those treatments are designed to enhance feed intake and/or digestibility. Improving digestibility may be achieved through mechanical, chemical, heat and pressure treatments.

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Alfalfa hay

Alfalfa is among the most important forage crops in the world. Also known as “The Forage Queen,”.Alfalfa is frequently used in biomass energy production. Also,it fixes more nitrogen than any legume crop can. This allows farmers to grow other crops easier and reduce their reliance on expensive nitrogen fertilizers.Alfalfa makes excellent animal feed. Not only is it a rich source of minerals and vitamins, it also contains up to 22% of crude protein.It contains vitamins such as A, E, K, D, B1, C, B2, B12, U, B6 and acids such as folic acid, panthothanic acid, biotin, niacin and inocitole.In addition…

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